Wednesday 14 September 2011

Week 2


Monday consisted of talks about the college and the colleges equality policy. Not much photography work was accomplished.


Tuesday still consisted of different college talks about information. However was shown where I could pick up Photography books in the library. At lunch I decided to head into peterborough town centre to capture some shots on the film camera I have booked out of the college. Most of the pictures taken were of gravestones and the city cathedral.

After lunch we went over health and safety in the dark room. My notes consisted of instructions such has, gloves and aprons should be worn etc. Basically a run through of things we had to take care of.


On Wednesday we were taken into the studio, where again we were taught about health and safety in the studio, and how to set lighting on a tripod correctly. Also the use of taping wires down from the lighting etc so people can't trip over.

After Lunch, I developed my film in the dark room. Firstly I developed all my film onto a contact sheet, then chose a picture off of the contact sheet (after finding the right amount of time exposed to light) to develop. I lost one of my films in the dark when developing, making it a lesson to not forget in future when using the dark room.

Thursday 8 September 2011


Developing prints in the dark room.
Put the prints into Developer and constant agitation Stop water for 1 minute. Add to Fix for 5 minutes. Clean then Dry.

Starting BTEC National diploma 3

Day 1

I started my BTEC National diploma 3 course on Monday 5th september. We were given film camera's to use and play around with. It was one of my first times using a film camera, therefore found it difficult to obtain the right composition and lighting. After going out into peterborough town centre taking pictures from the film camera I had been given (phenix 35mm) We had to take the film and put it onto a reel, in a container (forgot the name) need to revise. I found this most difficult as we had to do all of this in a black bag without looking, in the end I had to have assistance. We were then taught about dark rooms and how to develop our photographs.

Notes Taken From My Note Book

Develop film-13 mins at 20 degrees celsius. (agitate not aggravate as I kept saying for 1 minute, then again every 30 seconds for the remaining 12 minutes. - The next step is to stop, and add to water for 1-2 minutes, then add to the Fix (HYPO). Clean then Dry.

Day 2

The second day We had to develop our prints.
Forgot notes however will find right times and post.
We also had to present our work. I chose to use a power point presentation to display my work, and write notes for myself to talk about them. I need to remember to keep saving my work through, because I forgot to save the night before meaning some of my work didn't get seen.
We were given homework to search for a minimum of 5 famous photographers and present on a powerpoint.

Day 3

The third day we started with the presentation of our photographers I chose to present Linda McCartney, Ansel Adams, Andy Goldsworthy, Jill Greenberg and David Chapelle. I also noted down more photographers that other people had shown giving me a total of 54 photographers.
After we were taught how to contact print, which involved picking one of our best developed shots and contact printing it. My prints came out under exposed, but however I believe it was because my shutter speed was up too high and not at the hands of my contact print.
At the end of the day I booked a Film camera out to practice on over the weekend, making sure it is returned in on monday. I also got 2 film rolls to use.